1. Career Move Blueprint
Additional Product information
This course is an opportunity for you to take some time to look at your career from the outside in, to take a really deep dive into what you want, what suits you and what you have to offer. Over 6 weeks I will help you plan and execute your career move.
What’s included:
​6 detailed modules of online content and exercises, released to you weekly and yours forever more (so you can repeat the modules again for even more clarity!)
You also get 3 one-hour private one-to-one sessions over Zoom, focused on what is important to you at that time and what has arisen in the modules.
Career Move Blueprint Program
Price €399.00

What we'll cover​
We will do some measurement and benchmarking (and so you can measure your progress and success against where you are now). You will identify any particular areas of your career that you see as lacking and begin to look at how you can improve these. We will do in-depth reflection on what is working and not working for you in your current or most recent job or career. This will give you clarity on what you want your future job or career to look like. Ideas will begin to take shape.
Who do you want to be? A look at your personality and what clues that might give you about where you might be best suited. A deep dive on what is important for a job to give back to you. What are your needs? What drives you? We will look at your mission and your vision to find out who you really want to be in the future when you think of work roles.
This week we get into the specifics and detail of what you want. We’ll have a look at what your ideal job could look like. Here, we also identify your skills and attributes and start to see how they can transfer over to something or somewhere else. We’ll consider what it would mean if you were to describe yourself as “successful”. That means different things to different people, what does it mean to you?
In week 4 we will work on your mindset for change. What has kept you struck in the past and what is likely to crop up and derail you in this journey? How to identify those issues and most importantly what strategies to use to keep you on track. You will know what to do when doubt and resistance comes to call, and we will also work on some tips to keep your confidence and resolve up.
How to get you from here to there. How to fill in any gaps and how to market yourself towards your new role. Tips on self-marketing, CVs, LinkedIn, Networking, applying for jobs, talking to people.
Making and executing the plan: Timeframes, specifics, action steps, accountability and how to ensure you keep to the plan. How to keep positive and motivated, and how to identify what support you might need. You will walk away with a detailed plan of action.
Designed to help you decide what you want in a career and help you get it.